Monday, November 28, 2011

Mom's Monday Musings: Season of Generosity

The Christmas season has officially begun, and with it the season of giving. Giving truly is better than receiving when the motivation behind the gift is from an overflow of love. There is tremendous joy in witnessing the expression of excitement on the face of a grateful recipient, one who understands, appreciates, and accepts the love that is offered in a well thought out gift. As the “To Buy For” list grows, my heart swells, because I am reminded of the relationships that are represented there.

Regrettably, however, the shrinking wallet usually follows the swelling heart, because our culture tells us that our love must be represented by dollar signs and excess. As a result, I often find myself skimping on the meaningfulness of a gift, and splurging on the extravagance of it instead. The same line of faulty thinking affects the way I give gifts to my children, especially during the Christmas season.  

I struggle to find balance between fulfilling all of their Christmas wishes and restraining the spending and exuberant gift giving that I know only perpetuates a spirit of discontent, and self-centeredness. I realize that this battle is one of my own flesh – doing what makes me feel good versus doing what is best for my children.

Throughout the year, I watch them fall prey to the trappings of wanting more, more, more, and I feel the sting of responsibility knowing that I contribute to that attitude by giving in to their whims and wishes for my own benefit. How can I expect them to be content with the overflowing bounty that they have been afforded, when my actions teach them that they are somehow entitled to more?

As the mom, I realize that I set the tone for the Christmas holidays in my family. How I choose to center my heart and organize my priorities during this time influences the season for my entire family. This year I am making an intentional effort to focus my heart more on the joy of giving and less on the excitement of receiving, more on meaning and less on money. The reason we give is because we were first given to. A baby. A Saviour. A ransom on a cross. A free gift of salvation. That’s the gift I will focus my heart on. That’s the gift I will focus on giving away.

How will I shift my focus?

Melfin, our Elf on the Shelf, will primarily bring gifts that are to be given away…I’ll have a little talk with him.

I will look for ways my family and myself can share the love of Jesus with our neighbors, the figurative and literal ones; delivering cookies, adding $5 in gas to those who pump next to us, visiting the lonely in a nursing home.

We will give gifts that have significance and simplicity.

I will strive to avoid over indulging my children because it makes me feel good.

I will make time in the hustle and bustle to spend time with Giver Of Good Gifts and the very reason that we celebrate.

I look forward to sharing our family’s efforts with you throughout the month of December during Mom’s Monday Musings. I anticipate much temptation, knowing how susceptible I am to all things red, green, and glittery. I ask for your prayers and I encourage you to join me in the fight against over indulgence, to seek opportunities to express the truth of God’s gift, Jesus, in tangible ways to those around you, and to simplify your Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. When I come to town for that week count me in on the giving back!! I would love to visit a nursing home or a soup kitchen or something. p.s. me and Stew got a tree last night for the first time! Super excited! I will email you about the details! Love you
